Wednesday, August 29, 2007

SXSW 2000 - PUFFY's first-ever US show

A reader sent in these photos from the 2000 SXSW festival, back when Bill Clinton was president, I was writing about video games for a living and Puffy was still just "Puffy" in America. Seems like so long ago! This was their first-ever US show, and I'm pretty damn jealous of the guy who sent these in for being there. Obviously, not that many people had the privilege.

It's amazing to see how tiny the venue was. Keep in mind this was near the peak of their Japanese popularity, and given their rocket-like early career trajectory, I'm not sure they ever played venues this size in Japan. Must have been quite a new experience for them!

Thanks to Barron for sending these in! I doubt many photos of this show even exist, so it's great to see some coming out of the woodwork. If anyone else has some they'd like to share, send 'em in and I'll add them here. Photos from other shows are welcome too, as long as you've got the show details, ie. where and when, and I'd prefer that you took the photos yourself or at least have permission to use them. If I get enough, I'll start a living post visually archiving the live Puffy experience.


  1. Well, now! Actually, video of this performance has now surfaced and can be found on YouTube. They were, of course, totally awesome!

  2. Yeah, video has always been out there - one of their promotional videos (I forget which, but probably the one on YouTube) uses footage from that show. It's on the "Clips" DVD.

    Still photos, though, are really rare. There's not even one in the 10th anniversary "Ayumi" book, which seems really strange as it chronicles all of their tours and includes still photos from all of them. It's like they couldn't find one from that show.
