Going into this review, it shocked me (and should not have) that "Today Is Another Day" is ZARD's seventh album and by this point would the magic of Sakai have worn off? I say no, this is very much akin the the ZARD albums we have heard before and barring a few tracks delivers exactly what I expect and need from her albums. Also, no more than that.
Two tracks in particular I think were critically weak points in the album, specifically "Sayonara wa Ima mo Kono Mune ni Imasu" and "Nemurezu ni Kimi no Yokogao Zutto Miteita." Notably neither had Oda and Ikeda contributing, which can also be said for the track "Mitsumete Itai ne" which was just a mid level track and acceptable album filler. "Today Is Another Day" would have been a fine album of a nice length without the above mentioned tracks. I know "Sayonara wa Ima mo Kono Mune ni Imasu" charted for 8 weeks, topping off at #1 to start which at the time the song was maybe a better fit with the times.
Also what makes "Today Is Another Day" interesting is Sakai elected to self cover four tracks originally recorded by Field of VIew and Seiichiro Kuribayashi, to which as noted above three worked out well. I always wonder how the original artists feel about this on one hand it validates that they had a worthwhile song but on the other they now have to share that song. I certainly think of ZARD when I hear "Dan Dan..." even though I know Field of View's original is good too.
Also of note the cover shows Sakai on a pier crowded with boats in Monaco, yet somehow we alone in that process. It is a striking difference to other albums before on since.
Here is the track by track break down.
My Friend (マイ フレンド)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Tetsurō Oda
Arranger: Takeshi Hayama
A syth opening setting up very clear vocals by Sakai which sets the tone for the track, a love song. Sakai is front and center. The layers of tracks for the most part is simple and everything is well balanced against her. The song ends a little busier in regards to production.
Vocals: 4.5, Music: 4.5, Production: 4.5
Kimi ga Ita kara (君がいたから)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Tetsurō Oda
Arranger: Takeshi Hayama
Taking it down a notch, "Kimi ga Ita kara" is a slower love song definitely highlights Sakai as a vocalist. I wonder if this is proving she is a great singer? The music is good and like "My Friend" is well balanced with Sakai's vocals and absolutely does not cross any line. Production is alright if my assertion is boosting Sakai's vocals.
Vocals: 4, Music: 3.5, Production: 3
Sayonara wa Ima mo Kono Mune ni Imasu (サヨナラは今もこの胸に居ます)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Seiichirō Kuribayashi
Arranger: Takeshi Hayama
An upbeat breakup song. The music and production feel upside down and wrong, not really a fan of the heavy piano through the track. End result is the music tracks feel like they are fighting with the vocals making for a muddled end result. Sakai hits the edge of her vocal range, which maybe should have been dialed back a notch. "Sayonara wa Ima mo Kono Mune ni Imasu" is a track good enough to fill out an album, but it would never be on rotation. I acknowledge that Japan in the 90's disagrees with me here as this track did chart at #1 and charted for 8 weeks.
Vocals: 2.5 , Music: 2 , Production: 1.5
Love Nemurezu ni Kimi no Yokogao Zutto Miteita (Love 眠れずに君の横顔ずっと見ていた)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Seiichirō Kuribayashi
Arranger: Masao Akashi
A honky tonk piano opening and a suggestive song... then it kinda moves into a more pop sound then back to honky tonk. There is odd synth percussion in the mix too. The music is not great on this one. Backing vocals are odd. Production is a mess. Rarely will I say a ZARD track is bad, but here we are. "Love Nemurezu ni Kimi no Yokogao Zutto Miteita" is bad.
Vocals: 1.5, Music: 1, Production: .5
Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku (DAN DAN 心魅かれてく)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Tetsurō Oda
Arranger: Daisuke Ikeda
And... we're back. "Dan Dan" is a great ZARD song Like a few tracks on "Today is Another Day" this is a self cover from a Field of View song and it is 100% a matter of preference, but I prefer ZARD's version. The music is well balanced and the production gets back in line and there are a fair number of layers to the song. The guitar solo is a little overlong and kind of takes over the end of the track. Sakai is way upbeat here, which is nice.
Vocals: 5, Music: 4.5, Production: 5
Nemuri (眠り)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Izumi Sakai
Arranger: Daisuke Ikeda
Sakai's song in both lyrics and composition. It is an interesting inspection point for what she writes for herself. It is a very different song, I am not sure she knew how to integrate guitars into music as there is a little bolt on feeling to them. Backing vocals are interesting on this track. Overall this is a good song but I think it is more interesting for what went into it.
Vocals: 4, Music: 3, Production: 3
Kokoro wo Hiraite (心を開いて)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Tetsurō Oda
Arranger: Daisuke Ikeda
It is hard bordering on impossible to say this track is anything but perfect. Maybe the piano is played a little hard? Sakai's vocals here are absolutely on point and the backing vocals are also impressive with how many parts are actually being sung. I'd argue this is one of ZARD's top songs.
Vocals: 5, Music: 5, Production: 5
Totsuzen (突然)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Tetsurō Oda
Arranger: Takeshi Hayama
A bit of a slow start, but "Totsuzen" picks up speed fast. The pace is interesting and I think plays well with the lyrics which have a frantic love quality. I think there are some parallels to how Oda wrote the music for "Kokoro wo Hiraite" so I think these tracks compliment each other greatly. It is a very solid song.
Vocals: 4, Music: 4, Production: 4
Kyō mo (今日も)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Tetsurō Oda
Arranger: Takeshi Hayama
Sakai's vocals are a little more husky here. "Kyō mo" is definitely a very ZARD song in this part of her career, but also I don't feel there is a timelessness to the song. I think it was probably a better song at that time and place. I think the production is a little busy and maybe had it been a little stripped down it would have complimented the vocals and music a bit more. Not a bad song, I'd certainly like it if it came on during a rotation.
Vocals: 3.5, Music: 3.5, Production: 2.75
Today Is Another Day
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Tetsurō Oda
Arranger: Daisuke Ikeda
A kinda sad song but upbeat, ah Japan you confound me sometimes. Sakai is subtly powerful in her delivery, you can feel her fill the mic. Oda's music is well paired. Production is well balanced across the board. There is also a speed to the song too, its faster than other ZARD songs. The back 30 seconds of the song feel like a bit of padding and could have easily ended with Sakai's utterance of today is another day.
Vocals: 5, Music: 4.5, Production: 4.5
Ai ga Mienai (愛が見えない)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Masazumi Ozawa
Arranger: Takeshi Hayama
Oh boy is this a breakup song of breakup songs. There is a nuanced fierceness to Sakai's vocals, she stays in a higher pitch in her delivery which I think is more akin to her speaking voice. Ozawa delivers a change of pace is the music which is a good choice and honestly maybe should have been pushed into an earlier part of the album. There is also an interesting balance between harder rock and pop here that meshes well. Even thought his was a single (#15) I have overlooked this one, its a heck of a song and I like it a little more than the sum of its review parts.
Vocals: 4.5, Music: 4, Production: 4
Mitsumete Itai ne (見つめていたいね)
Lyrics: Izumi Sakai
Composer: Seiichirō Kuribayashi
Arranger: Masao Akashi
Now we shift into a slower song pretty abruptly, its very melancholy. Sakai's vocals are fine here and she absolutely does not push her range which works. Music sort of feels like it is fighting her vocals. The piano is way too turned up and the underlying music tracks are a little at odds. The real bummer here this is a good song brought down by the arranger.
Vocals: 4, Music: 3.5, Production: 2.5
In summary I thought "Today is Another Day" when Oda had his finger print on songs had great tracks, double so when Ikeda was arranging. At this point in ZARD discography, Sakai had done seven albums and keeps delivering. Many bands never get more than a few and maybe one of them is great. Overall I enjoy this album and it is a solid effort.
Overall scores:
Vocals: 3.96, Music, 3.57, Production 3.44
Overall Score: 3.66
Adjusted Score: 4.05
My adjusted score is that I think the two songs that, to me, dragged "Today Is Another Day" down were more isolated compared to what I enjoyed about the album which has a number of powerhouse tracks.
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